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SCIEPublish manuscript platform:
  Article Types

These are the most common article type and are often original research manuscripts. They are always peer reviewed. The structure includes an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions sections.
Reviews provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. They are always peer reviewed. The structure includes an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Relevant Sections, Discussion, Conclusions, and Perspective.
Communications are short articles that present groundbreaking preliminary results or significant findings that are part of a larger study over multiple years. They are always peer reviewed. They can also include cutting-edge methods or experiments, and the development of new technology or materials. The structure is similar to an article.
An editorial is a short article describing news about the journal or opinions of Editors or the publisher.
Perspectives are usually an invited type of article that showcase current developments in a specific field. Emphasis is placed on future directions of the field and on the personal assessment of the author. Comments should be situated in the context of existing literature from the previous 3 years. The structure is similar to a review. They are peer reviewed.
Opinions are short articles that reflect the author's viewpoints on a particular subject, technique, or recent findings. They should highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the topic presented in the opinion. The structure is similar to a review; however, they are significantly shorter and focused on the author's view rather than a comprehensive, critical review.
A Commentary is to provide comments on a newly published article or an alternative viewpoint on a certain topic. They are peer reviewed.
Book Review
Book reviews are short literary criticisms analyzing the content, style, and merit of a recently published book. Full book details should be provided at the beginning of the article. The structure should only include an Introduction and be a discussion of critical points with no sections or conclusions.
Case Report
Case reports focus on a topic as it relates to a single patient case. The cases are often unusual or noteworthy, typically a classic presentation of a very rare disease or an unusual presentation of a more common disease. Other cases, such as an unusual disease course or a rare complication of a procedure might also be included. They are peer reviewed. The structure of case reports differs from articles and includes an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Detailed Case Description, Discussion, and Conclusions.
Conference Report
Conference reports are records of the events of a conference, seminar, or meeting. They should provide a comprehensive overview of a meeting or session, along with relevant background information for the reader. The structure should contain Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Conference Sections, and Concluding Remarks. They can also include all accepted meeting abstracts.
Letter to the Editor
A Letter to Editor is usually an open post-publication review of a paper from its readers, often critical of some aspect of a published paper. Controversial papers often attract numerous Letters to Editor. They are peer reviewed.
Systematic Review
A Systematic Review collects and critically analyzes multiple research studies, using methods selected before one or more research questions are formulated, and then finding and analyzing related studies and answering those questions in a structured methodology. They are peer reviewed.
A Meta-Analysis is a statistical analysis combining the results of multiple scientific studies. It is often an overview of clinical trials. They are peer reviewed. The structure  is similar to an article.
Technical Note
A Technical Note is a short article giving a brief description of a specific development, technique or procedure, or it may describe a modification of an existing technique, procedure or device applied in research. They are peer reviewed. The structure is similar to an article.

General Peer-review and Editorial Procedure

This journal operates a single anonymized review process. All submissions will be initially assessed by editors for suitability for the journal. Submissions deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the manuscript. The Academic Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles. The Academic Editor's decision is final.

Editors are not involved in decisions about papers that they have written themselves or have been written by family members or colleagues or which relate to products or services in which the editor has an interest. Any such submission is subject to all of the journal's usual procedures, with peer review handled independently of other editors.

Editorial Decision and Revision

All the manuscripts published in SCIEPublish journals go through rigorous peer review and will receive a minimum of two review reports. The Academic Editor will give his/her decision at every step to the authors regarding the following:
  • Accept: The manuscript can be accepted in its current form.
  • Minor Revision: The manuscript can be accepted after addressing all the revisions provided by the reviewers.
  • Major Revision: It depends on the revised version whether the manuscript could be accepted or not. Usually, the revised version will be re-checked by the reviewers.
  • Reject and Encourage Resubmission: The manuscript is rejected due to the lack of additional experiments which supports the conclusions, and resubmission will be encouraged once the authors complete the further experiments.
  • Reject: The manuscript has serious flaws, and/or is lack of novelty or significant contribution.
Production and Publication

Once accepted, the manuscript will go through the production procedure including copy-editing, English editing, proofreading, final corrections, conversion, and finally publishing on the website.
Digital Archive

To ensure permanent access to publications, articles published in SCIEPublish journals are archived in Portico, which is one of the leading digital preservation service providers in the world.