For Editors

Editors, including Editors-in-Chief, associate editors, editorial board members, and guest editors, are expected to maintain and develop the journal's profile and reputation wherever possible. Editors should ensure that the journal's aims&scope and publication respond to any changes of direction in the field of study to incorporate newly-emerging work. Editors will work closely with the journal's Editorial Office to ensure that it is strategically developed in line with market evolution. Both Editors and Editorial Office will make recommendations in this regard, based on Editors’ expertise and sources of information.
Benefits of Editors
  • Receive a two-year term recognition certificate
  • Recognition on the journal website
  • Raise your profile and benefit your career
  • An opportunity to grow your network
  • Gain experience of editorial processes
  • Publish papers free of charge
  • Increase your knowledge and standing in your research field
Criteria for Editors
  • Recognition as an authoritative and prominent scholar or academic leader within a specific discipline
  • Strong commitment to journal work and a sense of responsibility
  • Spotless academic record and a strong reputation for academic ethics
Role of Editors

Editor-in-Chief/Executive Editor-in-Chief
  • Drive journal success
  • Lead journal direction
  • Organize editorial board meeting
  • Control journal quality
  • Benefit the research community
Associate Editor/Deputy Editor
  • Oversee the editorial team
  • Advise Editor-in-Chief about journal direction and development
  • Contribute to strategic planning for publication standards and goals
  • Invite distinguished scientists to contribute high-quality papers
Advisory Board Members
  • Exhibit opinions on the Journal's direction and performance
  • Assist with the strategic development of the Journal
  • Offer advice on Journal policy and content
  • Create awareness of the Journal
Editorial Board Members
  • Review 3-5 manuscripts per year
  • Make decisions for manuscripts
  • Contribute/Invite contributions
  • Suggest topics for Special Issues
  • Promote the journal among their peers or at conferences
Guest Editors
  • Edit a Special Issue on a certain topic
  • Invite potential contributors in this topic field
  • Take decisions on new submissions in their Special Issue
Special Issues

Special Issues (SIs) are topic-themed collections of papers focusing on specific subject area of the journal and edited by Guest Editors who are solicited or propose. A Special Issue is not an issue of the journal. These Guest Editors typically invite or commission submissions to the special issue and oversee the peer review process.

All submissions that meet the journal's criteria for peer review will undergo the journal's standard peer review process. If any conflicts of interest arise between the Guest Editor and authors, other editors from Editorial Board will be assigned to handle them to ensure the evaluation of these submissions is objective.