
This policy outlines our efforts to protect your privacy, what kind of your data we collect and what we will do with the collected data.

What Kind of Information Does SCIEPublish Collect?

When you use our websites, your visits to individual pages will be tracked and recorded in web server log files. When you register on this website, we may collect some of your personal information, including, but not limited to, your name, valid e-mail address, affiliation, academic degree, position within your institution or organization, and your research interests.

How Does SCIEPublish Use the Information We Collect?

SCIEPublish will not sell or provide your personal information to any other (third) party without your permission. We may use this information internally, e.g., to evaluate and improve our business, respond to any questions, requests or comments you make, for targeted marketing purposes, or to identify and prevent fraud, claims or other liabilities. SCIEPublish may contact you by email to draw your attention to content that might be of interest to you (e.g. new services, products or publications). You will have the chance to opt out of receiving such e-mails by unsubscribing.

Visit External Websites

SCIEPublish may link to other websites. Please take note that once you click on one of the websites, you will comply with the privacy policy of that website, not ours.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

SCIEPublish reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting changes without prior notice. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically for any modifications.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at
This Privacy Policy was last updated on 4 September 2024.