Social, Ecological and Economic Synergies of Forests for Sustainability Contradict Projects Involving Large-Scale Deforestation for Energy Production

Perspective Open Access

Social, Ecological and Economic Synergies of Forests for Sustainability Contradict Projects Involving Large-Scale Deforestation for Energy Production

Author Information
Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab), Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS), ETH Zurich CHN, Universitätsstrasse 16, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Ecological Civilization 2024, 1 (4), 10013;

Received: 17 July 2024 Accepted: 06 September 2024 Published: 09 September 2024

Creative Commons

© 2024 The authors. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (

ABSTRACT: Good projects and solutions aiming at sustainable development must repair the damage done in past decades by being explicitly designed and monitored to achieve synergetic benefits for the environment and society. We identify environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability in which enlightened forest management can increase the fulfillment of human and ecological needs and hence the quality of life of present and future generations. Projects aiming at energy production and profits at the cost of biodiversity, nature protection, and human health and well-being are therefore questionable and increasingly socially and politically unacceptableespecially where the viability of alternative options with better social and ecological footprints can be easily demonstrated. This is also true for renewable energy projects. The perspective presented here demonstrates how ostensibly renewable energy projects in natural areas, such as large-scale wind and solar power plants in traditional forests, which are planned, for example, in Germany, may be detrimental to ecological and social sustainability. Forests cut down for such projects are “non-renewable” within reasonable time-scales left to stabilize our climate and ecosystems. Such projects also impair the credibility of the proclaimed role model character and sustainability leadership of Global North countries, which can lead to negative implications for the protection of forests in tropical countries.
Keywords: Renewable energy; Deforestation; Sustainability; Synergies; Biodiversity; Quality of life; Conservation; Forest protection

1. Introduction

It is broadly acknowledged that forest areas play a crucial role in the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability [1,2,3]. Consequently, counteracting deforestation has been an important global sustainability goal for many years [4,5]. The creation and maintenance of forests can foster valuable synergies for a possible future in which humans live harmonically in symbiosis with nature. Still, too often, economic decisions and actions impair this potential [6]. In spite of the broad international acceptance of the sustainable development goals [7] and international efforts aiming at the protection of existing forests, reforestation of destroyed areas, and planting and creating new additional forest areas, the global forest cover has nevertheless been declining continuously and still is [8,9,10]. Forests are crucial for sustainability as they represent important habitats of animals and plants and hence safeguard biodiversity [9]. The social benefits of forests include their cultural values and their significance in the preservation of traditions and identity of people [1,11]. Forest furthermore provides benefits for human health and well-being and, hence, quality of life, through offering natural spaces for mental restoration, stress reduction and physical activities in the context of nature experiences and tourism [12,13,14]. Economic benefits of forests include the generation of employment and income opportunities and the production of timber as an important basic economic resource. There are also synergetic benefits that transcend the borders between single sustainability dimensions. For example, social and economic outcomes result from the health benefits for people achieved by the clean air provided through forests by airborne resorption of pollutants in the tree canopy [15,16,17]. Forests also have the potential to clean soils from pollutants via uptake through the root systems of trees and to improve soil quality and fertility [18,19,20] with ecological, social and economic implications. The effects of forests on global and local micro-climate climate are a further example of how forests can provide synergistic sustainability benefits in terms of the social, economic and ecological dimensions [21]. The environmental cooling effect of forests and trees by providing shade during heatwaves is valuable for human health. The absorption of CO2 by trees can reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration which has corresponding social, economic and ecological implications ([3,22,23]). So, in summary, it is obvious that forests synergistically reinforce the three main pillars of the ecological, social and economic dimensions of sustainability [24]. Table 1 accordingly summarizes some of the important sustainability benefits of forests.
Table 1. Benefits of forests for different dimensions and aspects of sustainability.

2. Synergetic Sustainability Benefits of Forests Require Their Protection

In consideration of the large synergistic sustainability benefits of forest, deforestation and projects involving deforestation constitute a serious threat to sustainable development. In ecological regard, deforestation is connected to the loss of bio-diversity, has negative climatic implications and deteriorates habitats and living conditions for plants and animals. In social terms, it has tremendous negative implications for human societies [4]. On the background of the large and synergetic climate and sustainability benefits of forests, a global forest transition that stops deforestation andsupports reforestation and forest creation is highly desirable [6,35,36]. Emerging energy projects involving substantial deforestation, for example, for the construction of large-scale wind energy or solar energy power plants in forests, are at odds with such a transition. They should accordingly be considered with great scepticism. Instead of achieving positive synergetic effects for sustainability, deforestation projects with an isolated focus on CO2 reduction can involve negative effects on environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainability, including negative climatic effects as outlined previously. In the current context of a project planning comprising the clearing of 370 hectares of mixed forest to build a photovoltaic plant near Bad Freienwalde in Brandenburg, Germany, therefore, even a representative of the Solar Energy Promotion Association Germany (SFV, Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland spoke out publicly ([37], p.1) against the project stating that: “We at the SFV have been fighting for the rapid expansion of photovoltaics in Germany for 36 years and also support the inclusion of conversion areas in the EEG’s {German Renewable Energies Act} land use plan. But we firmly reject these plans!”. He provided two main reasons for this rejection. Firstly, the planning needs to be rejected for reasons of nature conservation, even more so as the mixed forest in question seemed particularly valuable in regards to biodiversity, and secondly because “the destruction of such a forest for a ground-mounted photovoltaic plant is likely to jeopardize the high level of acceptance that exists among the population for solar energy. This is a disservice {orig. Proverbial German term: Bärendienst, meaning “serving like a bear”} to the energy transition.” [37] (p. 1). He thus called upon federal legislators “to clarify the provisions on conversion areas in the EEG, in such a way that the clearing of entire forests for large ground-mounted systems is excluded from the privileged status” not only to protect the forest-environments but also to ensure public acceptance of solar energy plants. If the construction of large-scale wind turbines and solar power plants is connected to deforestation and destruction of natural, ecologically valuable paces of high biodiversity, such projects run diametrically against important ecological aims of sustainability [38,39,40]. Furthermore, large-scale wind turbines can reduce tourism demand and residential satisfaction [41,42,43] with negative implications for the economy and quality of life in affected regions. Accordingly, tourists’ and locals’ acceptance of renewable energy projects should always be carefully considered before the planning of such projects [44]. In most cases, better, superior alternative options are viable that can synergistically promote all three dimensions of sustainability as has been recommended for preferable sustainability-oriented measures [24]. Both solar and wind energy are generally accepted in Switzerland and Germany. Still, instead of acceptance, highly visible large-scale projects in natural areas such as the Alps or forests tend to be rejected by the resident population [37,43]. As power can also be harvested from rooftops and wind turbines may also be located offshore or on farm land previously used for monocultures with low biodiversity. Small-scale plants show lower impacts on the landscape and biodiversity and seem to offer more social benefits as ownership may be distributed over more people and social networks may emerge. The possibilities for achieving large-scale economic gains with small-scale energy production projects are limited, and such profits are presumably the main driving force for investors of large-scale projects requiring deforestation. Still, large-scale renewable energy projects that do not involve deforestation may well be equilibrated over the three main sustainability dimensions and may indeed achieve economic gains as well as social and biodiversity benefits. For example, photovoltaic power plants may even be combined with forestation in arboricultural agrivoltaic systems, which integrate PV power generation and, for example, apple-tree [45] or olive groves [46] in hot and dry regions where PV-based shading systems could be beneficial. Agrivoltaic systems may offer possibilities for combining food and energy production with positive synergistic effects for economic, social and ecological aspects of sustainability [47,48,49]. Forest gardens combining arboriculture and horticulture with agrivoltaic components may also be possible in this regard [50]. Achieving positive synergies for sustainability in social, ecological and economic regards through renewable energy projects seems possible.

3. Credible Sustainability Role Models and Public Protests

Further aspect requiring the stop of deforestation in favor of PV-plants and wind parks in progressive Western countries such as Germany is that they could, in this way, act as sustainability role models for other countries. Tropical countries are, to a considerable extent, failing in their efforts to achieve an end to deforestation [6,51] even though Northern countries and international NGOs aim to support the protection of forests. However, if Western countries urging tropical countries to protect their forest better, do not protect their forests, this may deteriorate their credibility and may eventually even elicit the impression that these Western countries aim to prevent the Southern countries from achieving the same progress, which they themselves have achieved. In this context, some people may even regard deforestation as progress or at least as an indicator. This raises the question of how a self-proclaimed sustainability-oriented country such as Germany can persuasively showcase the importance of forest protection to a highly forested country such as Brazil if its government and administrations grant permissions to manifold projects involving deforestation. There are many such projects in Germany with diverse aims ranging from highway construction, airport enlargements, flood protection, mining, industrial development, new settlements and city enlargement to solar and wind energy parks. Public protests of people aiming to protectforests have emerged in Germany over a diverse topical range of such projects, as shown in Table 2, as some citizens recognize the great ecological, social and cultural value of forests.
Table 2. Some examples of public protests against recent deforestation projects in Germany.

4. Economic and Policy Considerations

It seems clear—based on the previous sections—that the social and ecologic benefits of forests are crucial and therefore, renewable energy production plants should be located outside forests, on land with less biodiversity, where they have similar potential and emission reduction benefits. However, if renewable energy policies and laws do not require encompassing sustainability evaluations of corresponding projects, mechanisms addressing this aspect are missing. Germany introduced intensive economic subsidies for renewable energy production. Already in 1991, an Act on Supplying Electricity from Renewables [Stromeinspeisegesetz, StrEG] was introduced, which ensured that electricity from renewable energy could be fed-in the electric supply network with fixed remuneration and also granted tax exemptions and direct subsidies to renewable energy projects [65]. In 2000, this law was replaced by the Renewable Energy Act (REA [German: Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG]), which has been revised and adapted several times to enhance the funding of renewable energy projects further. Again, a main instrument was to guarantee fixed feed-in tariffs for renewable energy producers. The corresponding incentives proved very effective in promoting the production of wind and solar power. For example, Germany now has the second highest capacity of photovoltaic power production per inhabitant (714 kw/1000 inhabitants in 2021) among all 27 EU countries, surpassed solely by the Netherlands (Figure 1). This makes Germany the largest solar power producer in the EU by far. Germany’s overall share of electricity produced through renewable energy sources increased more than threefold in 14 years, from 15.2% in 2008 to 46.2% in 2022 (Figure 2). However, during this period, electricity prices in Germany increased strongly (Figure 2), and four private households are now the third highest in the EU (Figure 3).
Figure 1. Installed photovoltaic energy production capacity (kw) per 1000 inhabitants in the 27 countries of the EU in 2021 (Source: [66]).
Figure 2. Contribution of renewable energies to covering the gross electricity consumption in Germany (Source: [67,68]) and development of electricity prices for private households in Germany (Source: [69]).
Figure 3. Average electricity prices for private households in the 27 countries of the EU in the first half year of 2022 (Source: [69]).
Despite the increase in the share of renewable energies coinciding with price increases for electricity, studies using resource economic models suggest that the promotion of renewable energy has reduced electricity costs for private households in relative terms, as even higher cost increases would have resulted in Germany without the expansion of renewable energies [70,71]. However, this positive economic outcome of the German energy policy for consumers remains, unclear. Some authors nevertheless see the fixed feed-in tariffs of the REA, as well as the termination (respectively fading out) of the German engagement in nuclear energy during the Merkel era (in connection with the Fukushima catastrophe), as the main causes of the observed electricity price increases [72,73]. However, without any doubt, the German policy achieved its aim of promoting the production of solar, wind and other types of renewable energy. As a consequence, there resulted in a considerable reduction in the emissions of non-renewable energy production. Still, the REA policy was not sensitive to the overall sustainability outcomes of single projects. Generally, conducting some form of overall sustainability evaluation for all projects applying for and receiving public funding oriented towards sustainability would be a good idea. This refers not only to the renewable energy sector. In the current context, for example, conducting a sustainability-oriented SWOT analysis for German renewable energy projects connected to deforestation (which are mainly solar and wind-power projects)—as presented in the following—could be a basis for rejecting public funding for such projects, if such an analysis indicates that they tend to impair sustainable development.

5. SWOT Analysis of Renewable Energy Projects Connected to Deforestation

A SWOT analysis investigates the Strengths, Weaknesses, Options and Threads (respective risks) of certain projects, policies or strategies. The strength of renewable energy projects lies in producing electric power, which partially substitutes conventional energy production with coal, oil and gas and, therefore reduces CO2 and other emissions. A major weakness is the volatility of the power production from renewable sources, particularly when considering wind and solar power with phases of very high and low production. These basic strengths and weaknesses also apply to wind and solar energy projects realized inside forest areas, which constitute the specific focus of the SWOT analysis presented in Table 3. However, as shown here, the substitution of forest areas by wind power or photovoltaic plants lead to the loss of manifold sustainability benefits of the cut-down forest areas. This represents a major weakness of such projects. The corresponding risks of such projects for sustainable development are particularly high because various current external trends such as increased land use demands, increased demands for wood, and direct and indirect climate change impacts (storms, drought, treepests) concomitantly put pressure on forests. Forests, therefore, need intense protection from deforestation and overuse. The development of options to store energy from wind and solar power in times of overproduction and the further development of the electricity grid for the better distribution of renewable energy are currently the most crucial options for making the corresponding electricity production from renewables economically more effective in Germany. The main problem does not primarily lie in a scarcity of available space for production sites. Therefore the substitution of renewable energy projects requiring deforestation by similar projects outside forests represents the recommendable option. The situation is presumably similar in many other European and Non-European countries.
Table 3. SWOT analysis of renewable energy projects inside forest areas in Germany.

6. Conclusions

The main conclusion of the presented analytical argumentation is that forests are far too valuable for sustainable development to sacrifice for wind or solar energy production. To ignore this may lead to sustainability losses and endangers the currently high acceptance of renewable energy production among a population that highly esteems forests. Forests provide benefits for social, economic, and ecological aspects of sustainability as well as individual benefits for the health and well-being of humans [3,74] that need to be safeguarded to make sustainable development a truly life-enhancing and nature-protecting endeavor. The presented SWOT analysis suggests that the required expansion of renewable energy production, which is important to reduce emissions, should primarily use spaces with less biodiversity and sustainability benefits than forests. The analysis also acknowledged that forests produce an important renewable energy resource, namely wood, which gets lost when substituting forested areas with wind or solar power plants. Promoting renewable energy production while protecting our forests seems possible, as alternative space exists, for example, when considering a significant further increase of small-scale photovoltaic or wind energy production on existing buildings. In addition, the further development of options for the storage of renewable energy in times of overproduction and of the networks for electricity distribution could allow more flexibility in selecting suitable locations for larger-scale energy production outside forests. These conclusions were drawn mainly at the hand of the example of Germany, but seem to more or less extent transferable to many other European and Non-European countries.


The author thanks the ETH Zurich, in particular the Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab) of the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS), for administrative and technical support. The author thanks the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions on a previous manuscript version.

Ethics Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.


This research received no external funding.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The author declares that he has no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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