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09 January 2025

Advanced Materials: Nature of Strongly Correlated Quantum Spin Liquid in Sr3CuNb2O9

Quantum spin liquids of frustrated magnets are among the most attractive and basic systems in physics. Frustrated magnets exhibit exceptional properties as insulators and metals, making them advanced materials that represent materials for future technologies. Therefore, a reliable theory describing these materials is of great importance. The fermion condensation theory provides an analytical description of various frustrated quantum spin liquids capable of describing the thermodynamic and transport properties of magnets based on the idea of spinons, represented by chargeless fermions filling the Fermi sphere up to the Fermi momentum pF . We show that the low temperature thermodynamic of Sr3CuNb2O9 in magnetic fields is defined by strongly correlated quantum spin liquid. Our calculations of its thermodynamic properties agree well with recent experimental facts and allow us to reveal their scaling behavior, which is very similar to that observed both in heavy-fermion metals and in frustrated magnets or insulators. We demonstrate for the first time that Sr3CuNb2O9 belongs to the family of strongly correlated Fermi systems that form a new state of matter.

Keywords: Quantum phase transitions; Flat bands; Quantum spin liquid; Thermodynamic properties; Scaling behavior; Universal properties; Heavy fermion metals