The 4th Climate, Weather and Water Forum

3-5 June 2024 | Hong Kong, China

17 April 2024

Media Partnership

between Hydroecology and Engineering and The 4th Climate, Weather and Water Forum.

The 4th Climate, Weather and Water Forum (CWWF) will be held from June 3 to 5, 2024, and will be hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). This annual international conference focuses on the interconnected realms of climate, weather, and water, bringing together experts from around the world to address emerging threats from the changing climate and extreme weather, water scarcity, and the urgent need for sustainable adaptation strategies. The forum provides a platform for academia, industry, and government to engage in dialogue, collaboration, and action towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

The forum consists of four clusters of themes:

I.    Water Resources and Sustainability
II.    Carbon Neutrality and Renewable Energy
III.    Climate Change and Extreme Weathers
IV.    Special session: AI4Climate

We have invited leading researchers in these fields from around the world to give a talk (plus a 30-min panel discussion among three speakers) in each cluster. Please check out the forum website for more information. The forum is also open to all researchers who wish to submit abstracts related to the above topics, and report on the forum (Poster/Oral).

Registration and abstract submission are still open for the event, visit to attend the 4th Climate, Weather and Water Forum! The abstract submission will close on 1st May 2024. The registration deadline is 31st May 2024.