Photocatalysis: Research and Potential—A New Means to Better Master Your Publishing Policy and Improve the Visibility of Your Articles

Editorial Open Access

Photocatalysis: Research and Potential—A New Means to Better Master Your Publishing Policy and Improve the Visibility of Your Articles

Author Information
Photocatalyse et Environnement, CNRS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon (STMS), 69134, Ecully CEDEX, France
Photocatalysis: Research and Potential 2024, 1 (1), 10001;

Received: 06 September 2022 Accepted: 06 September 2022 Published: 06 September 2022

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1. The Articles on Photocatalysis Are Numerous and Disseminated in Many Journals

Thousands of articles dealing with photocatalysis have been published since the 1970s. This very high number shows the undeniable importance of this field of research. These articles have appeared in a great variety of scientific journals, which reflects the multiple aspects of photocatalysis that have been investigated. These journals cover various domains in chemistry, physics, material sciences and coatings, catalysis, photosciences, environmental sciences, energy topics, and even biological sciences. Their variety mirrors the diversity of the research concerning both the fundamentals and potentialities of photocatalysis. The List of Topics included on this website, even though it is neither exhaustive nor exclusive, gives an idea of this diversity. Definitely, both the variety and dissemination of the articles on photocatalysis argue in favor of dedicated journals, as is further considered in the second part of this short editorial.

2. What Are the Reasons for Launching the New Journal Photocatalysis: Research and Potential?

An impetus for journals dedicated to photocatalysis has been shown by special issues in different journals, by specialized books and conferences held almost annually since 1992. It may also be noted that several journals are especially focused on thermal catalysis. Even though photocatalysis is not so important as thermal catalysis, it has emerged, over the years, as a wide-ranging field of research with a latent, diverse potential. Therefore, it certainly deserves the existence of dedicated journals. Another argument in favor of dedicated journals is that, because of their dissemination, some articles on photocatalysis may not always be easily noticed by the scientists working in this area. Something else worth mentioning is that a submitted manuscript on photocatalysis having the right quality to be published may be rejected by the Publishers and/or the Editors because, given the scope/title of their journal, such as the environment, they are constrained to take into account a balance between the themes represented in this journal. A ded-icated journal will make it possible to overcome this problem and increase the possibilities of publishing high quality submissions on photocatalysis without depending on an unpredictable choice of themes. Clearly, the new journal Photocatalysis: Research and Potential will increase the visibility of the discipline. Accordingly, it will strongly contribute to reinforcing the corresponding scientific community. Because of all the aforementioned reasons, it is believed that Photocatalysis: Research and Potential will fulfill a need. Hopefully, the researchers in this wide field will consider submitting their studies to this new dedicated journal, in particular to obtain more recognition than if their paper were to be found in a journal that encompasses many other areas of research.