Topic Collection

Clean Energy and Sustainability runs Topic Collections led by Topic Editors who are experts in the subject and oversee the editorial process for papers. Papers published in a Topic Collection will be collected together on a dedicated page of the journal website. For any inquiries related to a Topic Collection, please contact the Editorial Office.


31 May 2024

Energy Recovery and Harvesting

edited by
Prof. Dr. Mostafa Elsharqawy


31 August 2024

Solar Energy Technology

edited by
Dr. Harry D. Kambezidis
Dr. Styliani Ioanna Kampezidou


30 June 2024


31 March 2024

Carbon Neutrality

Keywords:Carbon Neutral Energy; Carbon Neutral Technology; Net Zero Carbon; Carbon Sink; Carbon Offsetting; Carbon Footprint; Carbon Reduction; Carbon Neutral Policy

edited by
Prof. Andrea G. Capodaglio
Prof. Chengcheng Tian
Prof. Lidong Wang
Prof. Ming Xu
Prof. Xiuping Zhu