Editorial Board

Editors-in-Chief (2)

You-Cai  Xiong
Prof. Dr. You-Cai Xiong
State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Interests: Agricultural Ecology; Sustainability Science and Their Interdisciplinary Researches under the Background of Diversity
Giovanni  Bacaro
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bacaro
Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, via L. Giorgieri 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy
Interests: Ecological Modelling; Ecosystem Functioning; Ecosystem Services; Invasive Alien Species; Plant Diversity; Spatial Ecology; Statistics

Editorial Board Members (22)

Alejandro J. Rescia
Prof. Alejandro J. Rescia
Department of Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, Complutense University Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Interests: Landscape Ecology; Biodiversity; Conservation; Socio-ecological Systems; Spatial Resilience; Rural Landscapes
Iftikhar  Ali
Dr. Iftikhar Ali
Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University, New York, USA
Interests: Plant Genetics; Biodiversity
Mushtaq  Ahamd
Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Ahamd
Department of Plant Science, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan
Interests: Plant Biodiversity; Conservation; Sustainablity Science; Systematics; Ecology; Taxonomy
Francesco Maria  Angelici
Prof. Dr. Francesco Maria Angelici
National Center for Wildlife, 7017 Makkah Al Mukarramah Br Rd, King Abdul Aziz 4508, Riyadh 12411, Saudi Arabia
Interests: Wildlife Conservation; Wildlife Ecology; Conservation Biology; Biodiversity; Carnivores; Lagomorphs; Ungulates; Medium and Large Mammals; Human-Wildlife Interactions
Anton  Brancelj
Prof. Dr. Anton Brancelj
National Institute of Biology, Department for Organisms and Ecosystems Research, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interests: Groundwater Ecology; Carstic Caves; Limnology; High Mountain Lakes; Paleolimnology; Biodiversity; Groundwater Copepoda and Cladocera; Aquatic Organisms; Water Quality Monitoring; Environmental Protection; Human Impacts
Maria Teresa  Ceccherini
Prof. Dr. Maria Teresa Ceccherini
Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry, University of Florence, Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Florence, Italy
Interests: Soil DNA; Soil Metagenome; Real-Time PCR; Microbial Ecology; Forest Soil; Agricultural Soil
Yong-Bi  Fu
Dr. Yong-Bi Fu
Plant Gene Resources of Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X2, Canada
Interests: Crop Genetic Diversity and Domestication; Plant Population and Conservation Genetics; Molecular Characterization and Conservation Of Plant Germplasm; in situ Conservation and Utilization of Native Plants; Molecular Markers and DNA Sequence Analysis
David M.  Mburu
Dr. David M. Mburu
Department of Land Resources Planning and Management, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P.O Box 62000-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Interests: Soil and Water Conservation; Land Resource Management
Yiannis G. Matsinos
Dr. Yiannis G. Matsinos
Sector of Ecosystems Management, Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, University Hill, Xenia Building, 81100 Mytilene, Greece
Interests: Ecological Modelling; Individual-Based Modeling; Soundscape Assessment; Biodiversity Conservation
Alessio  Papini
Prof. Dr. Alessio Papini
Department of Biology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Interests: Cell Biology; Molecular Evolution; Cytology, Particularly of Reproductive Structure; Systematics, Particularly Cladistics
Alessandro  Petraglia
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Petraglia
Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Parco Area delle Scienze 11/A (Sciences and Technology Campus), University of Parma, 43124 Parma, Italy
Interests: Alpine Plant Ecology; Species and Vegetation Distribution; Community Ecology; Effects of Climate Change on Vegetation; Carbon Cycle
Vilém  Pechanec
Prof. Dr. Vilém Pechanec
Department of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University, 17th listopadu 50, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Interests: Environmental Geoinformatics; Geoinformatics & Landscape Ecology; Modelling of Ecosystem Functions/Services; Spatial Decision Support System 
An-Ning  Suo
Prof. Dr. An-Ning Suo
Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Bio-resources and Ecology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China
Interests: Marine Ecology; Marine Ecosystem Restoration; Coastal Landscape Ecology
Roberto  Sandulli
Prof. Dr. Roberto Sandulli
Department of Science and Technology, “Parthenope” University of Naples, 80143 Naples, Italy
Interests: Marine Meiofauna; Bioconstructions; Marine Pollution; Invasive Species; Marine Biodiversity; Marine Protected Areas
Losenge  Turoop
Prof. Dr. Losenge Turoop
Department of Horticulture and Food Security, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
Interests: Disease Epidemics Modelling; Biological Control of Fungal Pathogens; Development of Bio-pesticides; Endophytic Fungi
Denis  Thiéry
Dr. Denis Thiéry
INRAE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, SAVE, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, France
Interests: Agroecology; Entomology; Crop Protection; Chemical Ecology; behavioural ecology; Viticulture; Arboriculture; Apiculture
Fazal  Ullah
Dr. Fazal Ullah
State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Interests: Ecology; Functional Ecology; Biogeography; Conservation; Biodiversity; Grassland Ecology
Tianming  Wang
Prof. Dr. Tianming Wang
College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China
Interests: Carnivores Donservation; Human-wildlife Conflict and Coexistence; Ecology of Fear
Douglas  Warner
Dr. Douglas Warner
Agriculture and Environment Research Unit, University of Hertfordshire, School of Life and Medical Sciences, Hatfield, UK
Interests: Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Their Mitigation; Carbon Sequestration; Integrated Farm Management and Ecologically Based Methods of Pest Control; Precision Agriculture and Farmland Bio-Diversity and Conservation
Renqing  Wang
Prof. Dr. Renqing Wang
Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, School of Life Sciences, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, PR China
Interests: Vegetation Ecology; Vegetation Restoration; Biodiversity Conservation; Eco-physiology
Wajid  Zaman
Dr. Wajid Zaman
Department of Life Sciences, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 38541, Korea
Interests: Systemics, molecular ecology, conservation biology, Ethno biology, traditional knowledge, phylogenetics
Rui  Zhou
Dr. Rui Zhou
School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
Interests: Plant Ecology; Fire Ecology