Editorial Board
Editors-in-Chief (2)
Prof. Dr. You-Cai Xiong
State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Interests: Agricultural Ecology; Sustainability Science and Their Interdisciplinary Researches under the Background of Diversity
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bacaro
Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, via L. Giorgieri 10, 34127 Trieste, Italy
Interests: Ecological Modelling; Ecosystem Functioning; Ecosystem Services; Invasive Alien Species; Plant Diversity; Spatial Ecology; Statistics
Editorial Board Members (22)
Prof. Alejandro J. Rescia
Department of Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution,
Complutense University Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Interests: Landscape Ecology; Biodiversity; Conservation; Socio-ecological Systems; Spatial Resilience; Rural Landscapes
Dr. Iftikhar Ali
Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University, New York, USA
Interests: Plant Genetics; Biodiversity
Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Ahamd
Department of Plant Science, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan
Interests: Plant Biodiversity; Conservation; Sustainablity Science; Systematics; Ecology; Taxonomy
Prof. Dr. Francesco Maria Angelici
National Center for Wildlife, 7017 Makkah Al Mukarramah Br Rd, King Abdul Aziz 4508, Riyadh 12411, Saudi Arabia
Interests: Wildlife Conservation; Wildlife Ecology; Conservation Biology; Biodiversity; Carnivores; Lagomorphs; Ungulates; Medium and Large Mammals; Human-Wildlife Interactions
Prof. Dr. Anton Brancelj
National Institute of Biology, Department for Organisms and Ecosystems Research, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interests: Groundwater Ecology; Carstic Caves; Limnology; High Mountain Lakes; Paleolimnology; Biodiversity; Groundwater Copepoda and Cladocera; Aquatic Organisms; Water Quality Monitoring; Environmental Protection; Human Impacts
Prof. Dr. Maria Teresa Ceccherini
Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry, University of Florence, Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Florence, Italy
Interests: Soil DNA; Soil Metagenome; Real-Time PCR; Microbial Ecology; Forest Soil; Agricultural Soil
Dr. Yong-Bi Fu
Plant Gene Resources of Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X2, Canada
Interests: Crop Genetic Diversity and Domestication; Plant Population and Conservation Genetics; Molecular Characterization and Conservation Of Plant Germplasm; in situ Conservation and Utilization of Native Plants; Molecular Markers and DNA Sequence Analysis
Dr. David M. Mburu
Department of Land Resources Planning and Management, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, P.O Box 62000-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Interests: Soil and Water Conservation; Land Resource Management
Dr. Yiannis G. Matsinos
Sector of Ecosystems Management, Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, University Hill, Xenia Building, 81100 Mytilene, Greece
Interests: Ecological Modelling; Individual-Based Modeling; Soundscape Assessment; Biodiversity Conservation
Prof. Dr. Alessio Papini
Department of Biology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Interests: Cell Biology; Molecular Evolution; Cytology, Particularly of Reproductive Structure; Systematics, Particularly Cladistics
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Petraglia
Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Parco Area delle Scienze 11/A (Sciences and Technology Campus), University of Parma, 43124 Parma, Italy
Interests: Alpine Plant Ecology; Species and Vegetation Distribution; Community Ecology; Effects of Climate Change on Vegetation; Carbon Cycle
Prof. Dr. Vilém Pechanec
Department of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Science, Palacký University, 17th listopadu 50, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Interests: Environmental Geoinformatics; Geoinformatics & Landscape Ecology; Modelling of Ecosystem Functions/Services; Spatial Decision Support System
Prof. Dr. An-Ning Suo
Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Bio-resources and Ecology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China
Interests: Marine Ecology; Marine Ecosystem Restoration; Coastal Landscape Ecology
Prof. Dr. Roberto Sandulli
Department of Science and Technology, “Parthenope” University of Naples, 80143 Naples, Italy
Interests: Marine Meiofauna; Bioconstructions; Marine Pollution; Invasive Species; Marine Biodiversity; Marine Protected Areas
Prof. Dr. Losenge Turoop
Department of Horticulture and Food Security, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
Interests: Disease Epidemics Modelling; Biological Control of Fungal Pathogens; Development of Bio-pesticides; Endophytic Fungi
Dr. Denis Thiéry
INRAE, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ISVV, SAVE, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, France
Interests: Agroecology; Entomology; Crop Protection; Chemical Ecology; behavioural ecology; Viticulture; Arboriculture; Apiculture
Dr. Fazal Ullah
State Key Laboratory of Herbage Improvement and Grassland Agro-ecosystems, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Interests: Ecology; Functional Ecology; Biogeography; Conservation; Biodiversity; Grassland Ecology
Prof. Dr. Tianming Wang
College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China
Interests: Carnivores Donservation; Human-wildlife Conflict and Coexistence; Ecology of Fear
Dr. Douglas Warner
Agriculture and Environment Research Unit, University of Hertfordshire, School of Life and Medical Sciences, Hatfield, UK
Interests: Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Their Mitigation; Carbon Sequestration; Integrated Farm Management and Ecologically Based Methods of Pest Control; Precision Agriculture and Farmland Bio-Diversity and Conservation
Prof. Dr. Renqing Wang
Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, School of Life Sciences, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, PR China
Interests: Vegetation Ecology; Vegetation Restoration; Biodiversity Conservation; Eco-physiology
Dr. Wajid Zaman
Department of Life Sciences, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 38541, Korea
Interests: Systemics, molecular ecology, conservation biology, Ethno biology, traditional knowledge, phylogenetics
Dr. Rui Zhou
School of Ecology and Environmental Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
Interests: Plant Ecology; Fire Ecology