Aims & Scope

Nature Anthropology is a transnational and transdisciplinary journal devoted to research on human’s biology and biocultural diversity, encompassing the full range of anthropological scholarship on human origin and diversification as well as studies on biological aspects of modern human cultures. Communicating across subfields, the journal features papers in a wide variety of areas, including physical, biological, cultural, and social anthropology as well as human genomics and phenomics, population genetics, ethnology and ethnohistory, archaeology and prehistory, popular culture, and linguistics. At the interface of nature and culture. All articles must be based on a solid body of data, be embedded in a theoretical context relevant to the topic, provide a critical assessment of the evidence and its limitations and must make a significant contribution to the scholarly debate in anthropology. In particular we encourage contributions which cross the boundaries between disciplines and theoretical concepts.

Articles in the journal are classified as follows: REPORT, REVIEW, OBSERVATION, COMMENTARY, PRESPECTIVE, EDITORIAL. Reports and reviews are fully peer reviewed, other contributions reviewed by the editors with the support of external experts as needed.

Topics covered in the journal include:
  • Molecular Anthropology, including human population genetics, genetic genealogy, human genomics, etc.
  • Physical Anthropology, including human phenomics, anthropometry, human anatomy, human physiology, etc.
  • Environmental and biological anthropology, including human’s interactions with the environment and its use as well as human’s response to climate change and environmental crises. 
  • Linguistic Anthropology, including experimental linguistics, computational linguistics, comparative linguistics, phonetics, analytical philology, etc.
  • Archaeological Anthropology, including archaegenomics, molecular archaeology, radioactive analyses in archaeology, statistic archaeology, etc.
  • Social Anthropology, including social statistics, demology, economic anthropology, human behaviors, computational psychology, etc. 
  • Statistical approaches in anthropology, including cultural statistics, historical anthropology, comparative cultural study, etc.
  • Medical Anthropology, epidemiology, cohort study, comparative study of medicine, etc.
  • Other Interdisciplinary Anthropological Studies.